Professional Software Engineering
Martin Wetzko
Senior Software Engineer
18 years of my experience will help you finding the perfect solution for your needs. No challenge is unsolvable, no digital mountain high enough to find a path to climb on. Regardless of whether you are looking for someone helping your team to grow or looking for ready-to-use software development, I'm in. Just drop me a message or two if you have questions. I'm excited to see what we can achieve together.
Technology & Know How
C# / VB / .NET Framework / .NET Core
C / C++ / STL
SQL / T-SQL / MySQL / SQLite
Windows User Mode / Kernel Mode Drivers
Windows Console / Forms / Service Applications
Web Applications / Web APIs / Microsoft Azure
ASP / Razor / Blazor / PHP / CSS / JS / HTML
Android / Xamarin Apps / Services
IOT Apps / Services / Raspberry PI / Arduino
Linux Terminal / Forms / Daemon Apps
Bash / PowerShell Scripting
and much more...
You can also find me on the following platforms: